Course: Tribal Court Development – Fundamental Considerations for Tribal Leadership

Tribal Court Development – Fundamental Considerations for Tribal Leadership

February 18-19, 2014
Location: Reno, NV

Offered by the National Judicial College, this course is designed for tribal leaders and stakeholders who are considering whether to establish, or planning to establish a tribal court. Tribal leaders will evaluate the concepts that are important to weigh when in the early phases, or pre-establishment phases of tribal court establishment. This course will examine: why a tribe would want to have a tribal court; what constitutional mandate and/or legal framework exists within the tribe that authorizes establishment of a tribal court; policy considerations when establishing a tribal court including the impact of the tribal court on tribal sovereign immunity; issues related to limited waivers of sovereign immunity to the tribe’s court; whether to establish a civil or criminal court or one that hears both types of cases; tribal code development; funding opportunities; costs of running a tribal court; how to garner community support for a tribal court; how to establish a culturally sensitive justice system; restorative justice; record retention; and court management systems.

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