Montana 4th Statewide Drug Court Conference – April 9-11, 2014

You are invited to attend the Montana 4th Statewide Drug Court Conference, April 9-11, 2014 at the Holiday Inn in Missoula, MT.  

The conference will include Operational Tune-ups for juvenile and family drug court teams and three separate tracks for adult drug court teams.  

Keynote speakers will include Dr. Doug Marlowe, Director of Research for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and Dr. Paul Cary, Director of the Urinalysis Lab at the University of Missouri.  

Additionally, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute will be offering two workshops geared specifically for Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts. This is an excellent opportunity to network with neighboring state and tribal drug courts!

Support is available for tribal drug court teams, contact: Jeff Kushner, Statewide Drug Court Coordinator at 406-202-5352 (

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