New Publication: The Policies and Procedures Guide

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute is pleased to announce the newest publication to our Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Publication Series: The Polices and Procedures Guide.

The Policies and Procedures Guide features excerpts from over fifteen different operational Healing to Wellness Court manuals to provide context and showcase the possible variety in options when pulling together what will become the foundational document for your Wellness Court.

The Policies and Procedures Manual is the guiding framework for the Court, dictating the goals, the parameters, the roles and responsibilities of each team member, the phases of the Court, and so forth. There are numerous topics that could be included in the manual, and so this guide attempts to provide a comprehensive digest of what those topics could include. For that reason, this manual is not intended to be read cover-to-cover, but rather is meant to be referenced concerning the particular section your team is drafting or updating.

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute, through support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, is able to offer individual training and technical assistance to Healing to Wellness Courts, including for the facilitating or reviewing the development or revision of the Policies and Procedures manual. If you would like to request technical assistance please click here or email

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