CTAS FY 2018 Now Open

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has released the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) FY 2018, which combines DOJ’s existing Tribal Government–specific competitive solicitations into a single solicitation requiring only one application from each tribe or tribal consortium.

In FY 2017, 225 tribes (individually or as part of consortia) submitted applications resulting in DOJ funding 125 tribes with 212 awards. The awards covered nine purpose areas totaling more than $101 million.

As in the previous eight fiscal years, this FY 2018 solicitation refers to DOJ's Tribal Government-specific competitive grant programs as purpose areas. Applicants may select the purpose area(s) that best address tribes' concerns related to public safety, criminal and juvenile justce, and the needs of victims or survivors of various crimes. 

In FY 2017, 225 tribes (individually or as part of consortia) submitted applications resulting in DOJ funding 125 tribes with 212 awards. The awards covered nine purpose areas totaling more than $101 million. 
As in the previous eight fiscal years, this FY 2018 solicitation refers to DOJ’s Tribal Government– specific competitive grant programs as purpose areas. Applicants may select the purpose area(s) that best address tribes’ concerns related to public safety, criminal and juvenile justice, and the needs of victims or survivors of various crimes. 
In FY 2017, 225 tribes (individually or as part of consortia) submitted applications resulting in DOJ funding 125 tribes with 212 awards. The awards covered nine purpose areas totaling more than $101 million. 
As in the previous eight fiscal years, this FY 2018 solicitation refers to DOJ’s Tribal Government– specific competitive grant programs as purpose areas. Applicants may select the purpose area(s) that best address tribes’ concerns related to public safety, criminal and juvenile justice, and the needs of victims or survivors of various crimes. 

Purpose Areas 3 and 8 offer funding opportunities for Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts. 

Find the solicitation here

Find more information on CTAS at www.justice.gov/tribal/grants.

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