Call for Papers – Tribal Veteran Wellness Court Symposium

Call for Papers!


The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) Justice for Vets (JFV) are jointly hosting the:

Tribal Veteran Wellness Court Symposium
August 22-23, 2019
Missoula, MT

Note: Department of Justice approval is pending.


Tribal Veteran Wellness Courts are restorative justice dockets established to respond to the offenses and treatment needs of veterans who are diagnosed with substance abuse. They are managed by a multidisciplinary team familiar with the unique experience and issues of Native veterans. They can operate as stand-alone dockets, or as part of a more general Healing to Wellness Court.

TLPI and JFV are calling for papers, including essays and articles ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 words, on the variety of topics touching on Tribal Veterans Wellness Courts. This can include, but is not limited to:

·         Considerations for working with Native Veterans

·         Tribal Veteran resources

·         Special considerations for female Native veterans

·         Historical and combat trauma

·         Cultural competency

·         Military cultural competency

·         Evidence-based services for Natives

·         Collaboration with other jurisdictions

·         Structuring a Veterans Court within the tribal judiciary

·         Using mentors in Wellness Court

·         Suicide awareness and prevention

·         Holistic healing

Selected papers will be published in a Symposium-edition publication. Authors will be invited to speak on their topic at the Symposium.

Submissions are due: June 17, 2019


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