Drug Court Review Call for Papers: Focus on Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts

The Drug Court Review invites manuscript submissions for the Winter 2019 issue focusing on tribal healing to wellness court programs and rural treatment court programs.

Keeping the populations, resources, programs, and challenges within rural and tribal communities in mind, this issue of the Drug Court Review seeks to identify the unique issues, operations, and solutions inherent to tribal healing to wellness court programs and/or rural treatment court programs. Areas of particular interest across tribal, rural, and rural-tribal areas and populations include, but are not limited to:

  • Access to treatment
  • Substances of choice
  • Traditional approaches to treatment
  • Cross-jurisdictional approaches and issues
  • Population-specific research

Although this issue of the Drug Court Review focuses on tribal healing to wellness courts and rural treatment courts, we recognize that they are not synonymous, and aim to be reflective of their specific distinctions. To estimate the number and focus of manuscripts, interested authors are requested to email a short (one paragraph maximum) preliminary description of their research/topic and/or tentative descriptive article title to ndcrc@american.edu by April 30, 2019, with “Drug Court Review Submission” in the subject line. Authors should indicate the type of program (tribal, rural, or rural-tribal) their article will address.

The deadline for full manuscript submissions is July 21, 2019, with a publication date of January 2020. Manuscripts must follow the Chicago Manual of Style and be emailed as Microsoft Word documents to ndcrc@american.edu with “Drug Court Review Submission” in the subject line. Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.

For further information, please contact the National Drug Court Resource Center at ndcrc@american.edu or Dr. Julie Baldwin, editor in chief, at jbaldwin@american.edu.

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