Accessing Grants to Strengthen Tribal Justice System Capacity Online Workshop

Accessing Grants to Strengthen Tribal Justice System Capacity Online Workshop

Hosted by the National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College

December 1 – 2, 2021


Join the National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College (NCJTC) online for this informative workshop to gather the tools and resources you need to submit a proposal for the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS). During the workshop, NCJTC will walk you through the proposal/application process and review all required forms, allowable costs, key components of a grant proposal, program sustainability, and more.

The Department of Justice launched CTAS in direct response to concerns raised by tribal leaders that DOJ’s grant process did not provide the flexibility tribes need to address their criminal justice and public safety needs. The Department awards grants to improve public safety, serve victims of crime, combat violence against women and support youth programs in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. This workshop is designed to provide previous and new CTAS applicants with tools and guidance that may assist with the tribe’s efforts to access grant funding and other resources to improve their justice systems.

Upon completion of this training, you will be able to:

  • Distinguish a vision and mission statement and identify a desired outcome
  • Create a project design of goals, objectives and activities to achieve desired outcomes towards a vision
  • Create an action plan and timeline for grant writing; distinguish similarities and differences
  • Determine solicitation criteria for a written application
  • Distinguish program, process and outcome evaluation
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