Healing the Healers

  • The Concise Manual for the Professional Quality of Life Scale: The ProQOL, 2nd ed. (2010)
    Beth Hundall Stamm, Ph.D.
    Professional quality of life is the quality one feels in relation to their work as a helper. Both the positive and negative aspects of doing one’s job influence one’s professional quality of life. People who work in helping professions may respond to individual, community, national, and even international crises. The Professional Quality of Life Scale, known as ProQOL, is the most commonly used measure of positive and negative effects of working with people who have experienced extremely stressful events. 
  • “What Google Learned from Its Quest to Build The Perfect Team”
    Charles Duhigg, New York Times Magazine (February 25, 2016)
    New research reveals suprising truths about why some work groups thrive and others falter.

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