Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference

The Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals and the ASU Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy are pleased to announce the 2014 Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference, scheduled for April 28-29, 2014. Themed Tune in and Tune Up: Aligning Research and Practice, the conference
creates an educational and networking opportunity for all professionals working in and with Arizona’s problem solving courts.

Join us at the Prescott Resort, where national and statewide experts will be on hand to present critical information, share lessons learned, and engage in dialogue about a variety of topics. Networking functions will provide a backdrop for you to build valuable partnerships with fellow professionals while
sharing ideas and solutions. Mark your calendar today and plan to join us in Prescott!

Workshop topics include Workshop topics include "Considering Historical Trauma When Working with Native Clients" and "Def ining Culture, Tradition and Spirituality and their Impact on Individual Growth and Healing".

Learn more at:

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