Enhancement Training Call for Workshop Proposals

The 6th Annual Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training is taking place September 12-14, 2017 in Albuquerque, NM.

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) is soliciting for workshop proposals that present the best practices in tribal justice, collaboration, and service delivery that enhance the capacity for adult, juvenile, family, and/or DUI/DWI Healing to Wellness Courts. TLPI will accept sessions that cover a wide range of topics. We encourage proposals that detail innovative practices; specific how-to guidance; the integration of custom and tradition into the Wellness Court; screenings, assessment tools, and evidence-based practices that serve Native populations; and planning guidance. 

Please visit EnhancementTraining.org for more information on Selection Criteria and submission requirements. 

Workshop Proposals are due May 5, 2017.  

Workshop submissions will be notified by June 16, 2017.

We look forward to sharing your expertise with Indian country. Thank you!

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