TLPI’s NADCP Presentations Posted

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute presented eight workshops at the recent 2017 National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference (July 9-12, 2017 in National Harbor, MD). Find all of our workshop materials available here.

Tribal Nations Forum
Tribal Law and Policy Institute

The Tribal Nations Forum is an opportunity for tribal courts in attendance to gather, meet other Tribal Wellness Courts, learn about tribal-specific resources, and develop a game-plan for the conference. This is an excellent opportunity to network with other courts and comparable roles, learn about different models, and brainstorm on common challenges being faced by tribes.

Relapse Prevention
Mark Panasiewicz and Blake Panasiewicz

The road towards sobriety often includes the potential for or actual relapse. Drug Court and Healing to Wellness Court’s structured supervision and accountability helps provide short-term consistency, but a participant can grow accustomed to the Drug Court/Wellness Court safety net. Too often, relapse has been viewed as failure, returning clients to the revolving criminal justice door. It is critical, therefore, that Drug Courts and Wellness Courts be able to identify relapse warning signs, and have strategies for both preventing and coping with relapse. This workshop with detail those warning signs, discuss common policies that have the potential to enable relapse, and discuss effective strategies for returning a participant to a good path.

Building Stronger Families & Brighter Futures – The Unique Adaptations of the Family Drug Court and Family Healing to Wellness Courts to Better Serve Children, Families and Communities
Marianna Corona and Lauren van Schilfgaarde

The drug court movement led to numerous adaptations by jurisdictions and communities who wanted to take a problem-solving approach to better serve individuals and families affected by substance use disorders and other co-occurring issues.  Child welfare and dependency court advocates developed the Family Drug Court (FDC) model to improve the poor recovery, safety, and permanency outcomes for families affected by parental substance use.  For tribal communities, the development of Family Tribal Healing to Wellness courts integrated drug court principles with tribal values, laws, and resources. This workshop will discuss both movements, best practices, and strategies to improve collaboration between county and tribal communities.  Each of the presenters will draw from available research and their own professional experience and expertise working with a multitude of programs.  The presentation will highlight how tribal child welfare systems differ from State and County systems and how the family-centered approach of both models uniquely promote family recovery and stability.   Attendees who want to increase their understanding of Tribal communities and learn strategies to better serve tribal families in their jurisdiction are invited to attend this session. 

Healing to Wellness Courts: A National Survey and Latest Research on Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
HTWC: A National Survey Part I
HTWC: A National Survey Part II

Charlene Jackson, Juliette Mackin, Chad Rodi, and Lauren van Schilfgaarde
While Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts have been in operation for nearly twenty years, no comprehensive research has ever been conducted. Drug Court best practices and standards have numerous applications, yet they are not tribal-specific. After a decade in the field, this workshop will overview the findings of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute’s numerous onsite technical assistance visits to offer observed insights into some of the unique challenges, and innovations, of Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts.  

Serving Beyond High Risk/High Need in Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
Mark Panasiewicz and Blake Panasiewicz
Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts often have smaller caseloads. Rather than turning potential participants away, Wellness Courts often have room for more. Nevertheless, potential participants vary along the high risk/high need spectrum, and thus require different types and dosages of treatment, and should avoid mixing with participants in other quadrants. This workshop will explore serving participants of different risk and need, such as through separate tracks, the continued importance of screening, and maximizing resources to serve the needs of the community.

Tribal-State Collaborations
Lauren van Schilfgaarde, Kimberly Sweet, Matt Oakley, Hans Klodt

Tribal, county, and municipal courts often unfortunately share a tumultuous relationship stemming from years of tension and misunderstanding. Yet these same courts share overlapping and complex jurisdictions, often with overlapping participants. With a scarcity of resources, and a growing need for culturally responsive services, problem-solving courts have led the charge for collaboration. From referral agreements, to shared behavioral health, to joint jurisdiction courts, Drug Courts and Healing to Wellness Courts are engaging in numerous and innovative collaborations. This workshop will detail these collaborations, and provide strategies and examples for effective collaboration.

Participant Rights in Healing to Wellness Court
Carrie Garrow, Charlene Jackson, and Lauren van Schilfgaarde

Protecting a participant’s due process rights is a foundational component of Healing to Wellness Courts. However, this process differs significantly from adversarial courts. Moreover, the due process rights within tribal court differs both mechanically and substantively from non-tribal courts. This workshop will overview key considerations for when and how a participant’s due process rights are affected, and steps the Wellness Court can take to ensure the participant’s rights are protected, especially when a defense counselor or advocate may not be present.

Ethics in Healing to Wellness Court
Carrie Garrow and Charlene Jackson

Tribal Healing to Wellness Court sheds much of the formality of adversarial proceedings. But Healing to Wellness Courts are not relieved of the same ethical boundaries and considerations. With collaboration among different agencies, frequent interactions with participants, and the increased potential for ex parte and confidential communications, Wellness Court practitioners must maneuver distinct and sometimes competing ethical considerations. This workshop will overview some of these ethical considerations ranging from the attorney to the treatment provider’s perspective. Topics will include confidentiality, relationships among team members and participants, and the inter-relationship of Wellness Court duties and distinct professional ethical obligations. 

Find more TLPI presentations and materials at Prior Event Resources.

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