Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts Enhancement Training

Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute held the Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts Enhancement Training on September 11-13, 2013 a the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation. Offered in partnership and with the approval of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Institute conducted this three day enhancement training session to provide assistance for tribes with Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts. 

The revised and updated "Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: The Key Components" (forthcoming) resource publication was utilized as the framework resource for this training. Tribal court personnel, tribal leaders, tribal law enforcement, tribal corrections, tribal probation and pretrial services, tribal treatment providers, and others involved in the implementation or enhancement of Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts attended this comprehensive training, as well as Tribal Wellness Court Teams who's Tribal Wellness Court is in the Planning or Renewal Stage.

Click here to find resources materials from the Enhancement Training, including Power Points and handouts.

Click here to be directed to the Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts Enhancement Training website. 

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