Webinar: Drug Court Treatment Issues in Rural America

Registration is now open for the upcoming Webinar on Drug Court Treatment Issues in Rural America scheduled for January 29, 2014 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. This webinar will focus on the special challenges encountered by drug courts and their treatment providers in rural and frontier areas of the country and solutions that have been found to be affective. The webinar is planned to be interactive with attendees invited to submit questions in advance and during the session. The webinar will also draw on a Technical Assistance Guide onDrug Court Treatment Services developed through the BJA Drug Court Technical Assistance Project soon to be published and which will be sent to all registrants prior to the webinar. The webinar panelists will consist of a multi-disciplinary team of drug court practitioners (two judges, one local drug court coordinator and two statewide drug court coordinators) from three states with many years of experience working in rural areas of the country.

Please follow the instructions below to register for the upcoming Webinar onDrug Court Treatment Issues in Rural America.

To register for the online event
1. Go to  

2. Click Register.

3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click Submit.
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