Innovations in Substance Abuse Treatment and Abstinence Reinforcement
February 25, 2014
3:00-4:00 PM ET
In 2009 over 123 million people aged 12 or older required treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol abuse problem, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Of those needing treatment, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates that only 11 percent received inpatient or outpatient addiction services. While the need for services have traditionally outpaced the number of open treatment slots/beds; the field is expected to expand substantially over the next decade with millions of newly eligible Americans now having access to both health and behavioral health care services, meeting this demand will require providers to look at innovative new approaches and toward maximizing what the evidence says about effectiveness of current practices.
Innovations in Substance Abuse Treatment and Abstinence Reinforcement will examine the research and the science behind two innovations in substance abuse treatment that can improve treatment effectiveness and enhance the number of people who receive services. Specifically, this webinar will look at CBT4CBT, a computer based cognitive behavioral intervention designed for substance treatment. It will also examine how contingency management, a behavioral intervention based on principles of reinforcement, can dramatically improve the ability of individuals to abstain from drug use. For speaker information or to register for this webinar, click here.