Webinar Materials: Tribal Healing to Wellness Court: Developing a Native Veterans Court


Tribal Healing to Wellness Court: Developing a Native Veterans Court

Webinar Materials

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI), and National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA), will host a 75-minute webinar that will focus on the potentials for creating a Veterans Tribal Healing to Wellness Court (THWC), or specialized Native veterans’ docket or programming. This webinar will look at Veterans Treatment Court and Tribal Healing to Wellness Court components and offer strategies for THWCs to consider in establishing veteran-focused dockets or tracks to address the unique characteristics of Native veterans who are involved in the criminal justice system and suffering from PTSD, other mental health conditions, and/or alcohol or substance abuse. This combination of characteristics in a THWC could assist this population that would greatly benefit from a tailored and specialized court. Also hear about the development of the Yurok Veterans Wellness Court (YVWC) along with lessons learned and positive outcomes in the establishment of the YVWC.

For more information please contact, Wellness@tlpi.org or Elton@naicja.org.



  • Kristine Huskey, Clinical Professor Law, Direcotr, Veterans' Advocacy Law Clinic, James E. Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona

  • Mica J. Brooks, Veterans Wellness Court Coordinator, Yurok Veterans Wellness Court

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
10 am AKST / 11am PST / 12pm MST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
10 am AKST / 11am PST / 12pm MST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST
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